A look into the mind of one man via his reviews of frozen foods.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Beef & Cheddar Hot Pocket

It's as if I visited an old friend for the first time in years. The kind of friend that you don't need to talk to for a couple of years yet the second you see each other again it's as if you saw them yesterday and you just slide back into the friendship. I have a couple of friends that fall into this category. One is my old pal Bill whom I went to school with back in the day. Him and his wife are expecting so I try to call every now and then to offer up any fatherly advise I can. The other is an old friend I call Beef & Cheddar.

B&C was the first flavor of hot pocket that I ever had. I would have to say that over the years at least 70% of all the pockets I have eaten where B&C although I had not had one in about a year. Just as with Bill, I found myself feeling as if I had one just yesterday and enjoyed my time with it.

I ask you, the reader to get back in touch with someone you haven't talked to in a while. An old friend that would appreciate a call out of the blue just to say hello. I can't promise you that it will satisfy your hunger the way B&C did for me, but I bet you will feel full of good feelings.


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